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USB Switch Rev-A firmware


Firmware for the USB Switch written using STM's toolchian

How to use and test

Rev c ports diagram

USB switch is configured to be a USB CDC device. Send the following command using a serial terminal to operate the switch. Each command sent should result in corresponding message being printed to the serial terminal.

Command A B C Message
"AT" - - - "OK\n"
"AT+GMR\n" - - - Returns device info
"AT+PORT=1\n" Bi-dir 0 Bi-dir "OK\n"
"AT+PORT=2\n" Bi-dir Bi-dir 0 "OK\n"
"AT+PORT=3\n" Sink 0 Source "OK\n"
"AT+PORT=4\n" Sink Source 0 "OK\n"
"AT+PORT=5\n" Source 0 Sink "OK\n"
"AT+PORT=6\n" Source Sink 0 "OK\n"
"AT+PORT=?\n" - - - "\r2\r\nOK\r\n"
"AT+PORT?\n" - - - Returns which ports are active
Output can be:
  • "\rA source B sink\r\n"
  • "\rA source C sink\r\n"
  • "\rB source A sink\r\n"
  • "\rC source A sink\r\n"
  • "\rBi-Dir A - C\r\n"
  • "\rBi-Dir A - B\r\n"
  • "\rAll ports power on\r\n"

Testing instructions

  • Connect the switch to the host computer using a USB-C cable. The switch should get discovered as a USB CDC device.
  • Use a serial terminal (screen, putty etc.) to interact with the device.
  • Send the commands listed in the table above and make sure the respective message is printed to the terminal.
  • Try sending the list of commands (if on linux use cat <path>/test/test_commands/txt > /dev/tty<DEV>) to the device. Make sure the device is still responsive after the test.

Using USB-C to USB-C cable

If you are using a USB-C to USB-C cable to connecting a peripheral to host and the peripheral does not seem to connect, try flipping the USB-C connector's orientation of the USB C cable.

Files to look into for USB switch code

Code for handling AT commands


Code for handling USB line switching


Code for handling USB CDC communication

usb_switch_code USB_DEVICE

How to build

Make sure you have gcc-arm-none-eabi compiler installed on your system.

Run the following commands to build

cd generated/Debug
make -j all

How to flash

Hardware setup

Connect an ST-LINK programmer to the SWD header on the USB-C switch PCB.

Software setup


You may use either one of: * stlink-tools (CLI) * STM32CubeProgrammer (GUI)

Make sure you have the stlink-tools package installed on your system.

Run make flash from within the directory generated/Debug/.


Refer to the official documentation for how to flash the compiled .bin file, which should be in generated/Debug/ if you compiled the firmware successfully.

Optional dependencies (for debugging)

On Debian:

apt install \
    gdb-multiarch \